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Multi-Asset team and service

Actively different

Liontrust works in partnership with advisers for the benefit of their clients.

Our Multi-Asset investment proposition and service is designed to enable advisers to provide the highest quality advice and service to their clients. We seek to help advisers achieve their clients’ investment objectives and meet their suitability requirements over the long term. We also help advisers to fulfil their responsibilities under Consumer Duty.

Liontrust achieves these aims through the following distinct partnership and service offering, which we call Actively Different.

Active management Active management Actively manages every stage of the process - SAA, TAA, fund selection and portfolio construction - and using funds from across the market
Value for money Value for money Competitive OCFs and benefit of resources from across Liontrust including seven investment teams
Active enhancements Active enhancements Position funds and portfolios for the future of investment markets. This has been enhanced by implementing a bespoke SAA in 2023
Support for advisors Support for advisers Tailored support, fund manager access, market-leading literature, educational content, white label, digital tools and services
Suitability Suitability Broad ranges meet client risk profiles and suitability. Reporting supports advisers with Consumer Duty

Adviser resources

Liontrust produces a range of reporting and literature to help advisers and their clients. This includes MA Performance Review and Outlook, A Guide to Managing Volatility and Liontrust Views. Literature can be white labelled or co-branded for advisers.

Latest insights

More insights
James Klempster James Klempster
Which asset classes will the cut in US rates benefit? Liontrust’s James Klempster discusses why the US Federal Reserve cut in rates is likely to benefit three asset classes – US smaller companies, emerging markets and Developed Asia ex-Japan
icon 19 September 2024
Federal reserve
John Husselbee John Husselbee
Getting ready for a rotation in markets
icon 18 September 2024
James Klempster James Klempster
Kamalanomics or Trump trade? The contest for the next US presidency is gathering momentum. To what extent might the candidates’ economic policies be decisive for investors?
icon 11 September 2024
American flag

Meet the team

Our investment process

The Liontrust Multi-Asset investment process is based on a number of core beliefs. These beliefs have been accumulated over the long combined careers of the Liontrust Muti-Asset team and have developed over many years. 

Download the process document to read more:


Meet the tea

Funds managed by the team

The two ranges of target risk funds (Blended and Dynamic Passive) that are designed to target the outcome expected by investors in terms of their level of risk, as measured by volatility, and maximise the return for each fund within the appropriate risk band while MA Explorer aims to maximise capital growth and/or income over the long term.

Funds managed by the team

MPS Portfolios managed by the team

Contact us

Jamie Stafford
Jamie Stafford

Strategic Partners & Consolidators, Relationship Manager - Sales Manager, Midlands

Sophie Andrews
Sophie Andrews

Head of Strategic Partners & Consolidators

Graeme Southern
Graeme Southern

Regional Sales Manager – North, Scotland & Northern Ireland

Kiran Alonso
Kiran Alonso

Regional Sales Manager – East

Bella Hill-Baker
Bella Hill-Baker

UK Client Service – South

Multi-Asset team Liontrust MA SAA - Explorer Range to a New Level Liontrust MA SAA - Positioning our Portfolios for the Future Liontrust MA SAA Annual Update Liontrust MA Tactical Asset Allocation Quarterly Update Liontrust MPS Sales Aid Liontrust Multi-Asset Funds Target Market Assessment Understanding the Risks of Investing Liontrust MA Explorer SAA Update A guide to managing volatility Liontrust MA Blended MA Dynamic Passive SAA Update Levels of Diversification - MA Explorer Funds Levels of Diversification - MA Blended Funds Levels of Diversification - MA Passive Funds Liontrust MA Navigating the World of Investment Liontrust Multi-Asset Process Liontrust Risk Profile Statement Liontrust Views