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Fund manager views

Thomas Smith Thomas Smith
Brazil – out of sync with the US The Brazilian central bank moves in the opposite direction to the Fed, hiking rates by 25bps
icon 19 September 2024
Brazilian economy
James Klempster James Klempster
Which asset classes will the cut in US rates benefit? Liontrust’s James Klempster discusses why the US Federal Reserve cut in rates is likely to benefit three asset classes – US smaller companies, emerging markets and Developed Asia ex-Japan
icon 19 September 2024
Federal reserve
Ewan Thompson Ewan Thompson
An update from India – rapid modernisation in travel and hospitality Ewan Thompson shares an update after a day of meetings in New Delhi
icon 18 September 2024
Taj mahal

Fund updates

Fund updates
Liontrust Global Technology Fund August 2024 review
icon 17 September 2024
Global Innovation team
Fund updates
Liontrust Global Innovation Fund August 2024 review
icon 17 September 2024
Global Innovation team
Fund updates
Liontrust Global Dividend Fund August 2024 review
icon 17 September 2024
Global Innovation team


The main parties’ manifestos – what does it mean? Lang Cat have analysed the key policy proposals in the manifestos that will impact advisers and their clients after Thursday’s General Election.
icon 2 July 2024
Houses of Parliament
State of the Advice Nation – what is keeping advice firm owners awake at night? Lang Cat have surveyed advice firms to ask them what is keeping them awake at night.
icon 2 July 2024
British pound
Lionesses Snapshot
The Granolas – Europe’s answer to the Magnificent Seven? Are pharmaceutical stocks Europe’s answer to the tech ‘Magnificent Seven’ in the US? We take a look at a group of stocks dubbed the ‘Granolas’
icon 10 June 2024
Banking Europe


Liontrust Views Summer 2024
icon 15 August 2024
Summer Views
Liontrust Views Spring 2024 edition
icon 29 April 2024
Liontrust Views Winter 2024 edition
icon 22 January 2024
Winter 2024


Global Infusions Podcast
The Business of Defence
Listen on: Google Podcast
In this episode of Global Infusions, Tom welcomes back Hong to explore the business of defence. From sanctions to drones, the consequences of war are legion.
icon 2 May 2024
Global Infusions Podcast
The Business of Nuclear
Listen on: Google Podcast
In this episode, Tom is joined by James to explore the business of nuclear energy. From power plants to uranium mines, the whole industry has entered the limelight and for good reason.
icon 13 March 2024
Global Infusions Podcast
The Business of Weight Loss
Listen on: Google Podcast
In this episode, Tom and Hong explore the business of losing weight. From gym subscriptions to new wonder drugs, the industry is changing like never before.
icon 29 January 2024

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