Global Equities
Mark Hawtin
We are about to enter a golden period for management and it is more important than ever. It is hard to remember another period when a strong fundamental trend, in this case Innovation and Disruption, is unfolding at an identical time to the technical momentum trend of Passive Investing. With these two major trends supporting each other, this builds increasing risk and potentially creates a memorable period for active management.
Cashflow Solution
Samantha Gleave
Our in-depth analysis of cash flows is telling us that shares in the most cash generative companies are currently very cheap. In fact, they’ve only been cheaper twice in the last 30 years. Find out how we’ve evolved our investment process to exploit periods of market dislocation, and the three key reasons we are bullish on European equities.
Economic Advantage
Anthony Cross, Victoria Stevens & Matt Tonge
The UK stock market remains a rich source of investment opportunities, which is clearly apparent for companies strong in intellectual capital across technology, industrials, and healthcare. And the UK is still an attractive venue for start-ups. The start-ups of today become the listed companies of tomorrow, providing us with the opportunity to compound capital growth by backing these home-grown innovators over the long term.
Global Innovation
Storm Uru & Clare Pleydell-Bouverie
The wait is over. AI’s ‘iPhone moment’ is here. As revolutionary as electricity, AI is transforming every sector with potential impacts across the entire economy. Discover why first-movers will lead in this once-in-a-generation investment opportunity.
Sustainable Investment
Peter Michaelis & Mike Appleby
The three-way dance between science, society, and business should continue to lead us to a cleaner, healthier, and safer world. With immense business opportunities in renewable energy, energy efficiency and electrification to name a few, we are positioned to deliver strong returns to our clients whilst leaving our precious blue planet fit for future generations.