The two ranges of target risk funds (Blended and Dynamic Passive) that are designed to target the outcome expected by investors in terms of their level of risk, as measured by volatility, and maximise the return for each fund within the appropriate risk band while MA Explorer aims to maximise capital growth and/or income over the long term.
Actively different
Liontrust works in partnership with advisers for the benefit of their clients.
Our Multi-Asset investment proposition and service is designed to enable advisers to provide the highest quality advice and service to their clients. We seek to help advisers achieve their clients’ investment objectives and meet their suitability requirements over the long term. We also help advisers to fulfil their responsibilities under Consumer Duty.
Liontrust achieves these aims through the following distinct partnership and service offering, which we call Actively Different.
Adviser resources
Liontrust produces a range of reporting and literature to help advisers and their clients. This includes MA Performance Review and Outlook, A Guide to Managing Volatility and Liontrust Views. Literature can be white labelled or co-branded for advisers.
Meet the team
Our investment process
The Liontrust Multi-Asset investment process is based on a number of core beliefs. These beliefs have been accumulated over the long combined careers of the Liontrust Muti-Asset team and have developed over many years.
Download the process document to read more:
Funds managed by the team
Funds managed by the team
MPS Portfolios managed by the team
A broad range of 22 target risk model portfolios designed to meet most investors' risk and return objectives. They are designed for clients of financial advisers and are available on most major platforms.
MPS Portfolios managed by the team
Contact us
Strategic Partners & Consolidators, Relationship Manager - Sales Manager, Midlands
Head of Strategic Partners & Consolidators
Regional Sales Manager – North, Scotland & Northern Ireland
Regional Sales Manager – East
UK Client Service – South