About the MA Blended Funds
The Liontrust Multi-Asset Blended range comprises five funds that are designed to target the outcome expected by investors in terms of their level of risk, as measured by volatility, and maximise the return for each fund within the appropriate risk band.
These funds are for investors seeking a cost-effective investment solution that combines passive with good quality active investment managers who we expect to outperform the relevant indices over the medium to long term.
The funds use passive funds where it is appropriate to do so and they are available and use actively managed funds where we believe the opportunity to deliver higher returns is greatest or where passive funds are not an option.
The higher the risk of the fund within the range, the greater the potential for volatility, positive returns on the upside and losses in down markets.
Each of the Multi-Asset funds within the range provide diversification across a range of different underlying funds, fund managers, geographical regions and asset classes.
Clients can stay invested in the service through the accumulation and decumulation phases of their lives as their risk profile changes.
Reasons to invest
- Experience: One of the most experienced and highly regarded multi-asset multi-manager investment teams in the UK market, headed by John Husselbee
- Diversification: Each portfolio provides diversification across a range of different funds, fund managers, geographical regions and asset classes
- Long-term flexibility: Investors can switch between the range of funds as their risk profile and objectives change during the accumulation and decumulation phases of their lives
- Rigorous process: The investment process is designed to deliver the outcome expected by investors and aims to generate maximum returns for each target risk fund within the pre-determined volatility ranges
- Added value: We seek to add value through each of strategic and quarterly asset allocation, fund selection and portfolio construction
- Costs: We aim to keep costs to a minimum and are often able to invest in underlying funds on better terms than those commonly available
Our Investment Process
Performance of the Liontrust MA Blended fund range
Source: FE Analytics, as at 31.03.24. Since inception data runs 07.04.03 to 31.03.24. Primary share class, total return figures are calculated on a single pricing basis with net income (dividends) reinvested. Performance figures are shown in sterling. Transaction costs are included for the period shown but may differ in the future as these costs cannot be determined with precision in advance.
Past performance does not predict future returns. You may get back less than you originally invested.
Fund insights
"A key objective in terms of performance is to strive to 'win over the long term by not losing.' We aim to achieve this by seeking to manage risk and limit losses in falling markets to enhance long-term returns in each risk target."
Meet the team
Headed by John Husselbee since joining Liontrust in 2013, the team comprises of three investment managers and a fund analyst. Deputy Head James Klempster joined from Momentum Global Investment Management, Anthony Chemla joined from atomos (previously Sanlam Investments) and David Salisbury joined from 4 Shires Asset Management.